AUA2017期间,美国纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心Joel Sheinfeld博士主持了“Tumor Board: Testis Cancer”专题会议,与其他四位权威专家对如何优化睾丸癌治疗策略进行了讨论,会后本刊邀请Sheinfeld博士对尚存争议问题进行解答。
Joel Sheinfeld博士
Sheinfeld博士在采访中指出,现在我们用作临床决策的传统肿瘤标志物仅有AFP和HCG,尽管其特异性和敏感性均欠佳,但最重要的决定因素是最低点标记(nadir marker),无论早期还是进展期肿瘤,都可与参考它来决定治疗决策。
关于如何区分高危和低危睾丸非精原细胞瘤,并给予治疗, Sheinfeld博士认为这仍是一个较为复杂的问题。临床医生需要评估风险,早期和进展期肿瘤都包括高风险和低风险两个组,然后针对不同的风险制定不同的治疗方案。
The classic markers that we base clinical decision-making on are alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and HCG. The important determinant is the nadir marker. We wait for it to either normalize or to plateau off. We make decisions both in advanced and low-stage disease based on the nadir marker.
There are some controversies in treatment of low-stage and high-stage NSGCTs in recent years. How to differentiate the two groups in the clinic and what’s the different choice of therapy strategies? Would you please briefly describe for us? That’s a complex question. We assess for risk, and in both low-stage and advanced disease there are high-risk groups and low-risk groups. We tailor treatment according to their risk.
In low-stage disease we will observe many patients, perform surgery or start chemotherapy. In advanced disease, patients receive chemotherapy. Those with advanced and non-seminoma disease receive induction chemotherapy and we proceed based on their response. If there is no response or an incomplete response, they may need second-line chemotherapy, or many patients will require a post-chemotherapy retroperitoneal lymph node dissection.
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